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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Geezers and a Little Bit of Politics

On Thursday I ran the 9th annual Geezer Chase, a 2 mile cross country race to benefit the St. Louis Park CC team.  The Geezers (anyone not a member of the CC team) gets a 2-minute head start and tries not to get run down by a CC runner.  It's a fun run and I ran it pretty well.  I bring it up because I was feeling like a Geezer for much of the week.  I raced a half marathon last Saturday and did almost 19 miles the next day, followed by 10 on Monday.  Tuesday was 12 miles with a 6x1K work-out that left me completely frieded for Wednesday's MLR.  I did complete the 12.5 mile on Wednesday and and the 6 miles Wednesday PM, but barely had any quality miles.  I just couldn't get my body to go any faster than a 9:00 pace.  I'm not particularly worried about this, but it does point out that I may be overdoing it a bit in the mileage department.  I don't think I am over training yet, because I am still racing well and nail my quality workouts, but not being able to shift out of second gear is a bit worrisome.
That being said, I did my long run (18 miles on Saturday) and managed to run at an easy, although not a general aerobic pace.  I hovered around 8:30 for the majority of the run and was able to shift into marathon pace gear for the final mile.  I have to add that the remainder of Saturday I was feeling quite tired and roughed up.  An easy run today and looking ahead to a speedy 10K race on Labor Day, the Victory 10K.  Shooting for a sub 37:30.  I get to race again next Sunday in the City of Lakes 25K, which I plan to use as a 15 mile MP work-out.
Lastly, I keep this blog strictly about running, but in the last couple of days politics and running have co-mingled.  VP candidate Paul Ryan said in an interview with Hugh Hewitt that he had run a marathon when he was young and when asked about the time he said 2:50 something.  2:50ish is a very good time and knowing about his background, I wouldn't have been that surprised.  However, after Runner's World did a bit of checking into this, turns out that impressive 2:50 something was not so impressive, closer to average time of 4:01 something.  My only defense for Mr. Ryan is that he really isn't a runner and not that concerned with what his marathon time was and probably can't remember, but the fact that he honed in a 2:50 something is what bothers me.  I realize that I take my running a little too seriously, but why lie about something like this?  Did he not want to admit that his marathon time was slower than Sarah Palin's or Michael Dukakis'?  Did he really think that anyone would care?  I admit it is fun to see how celebrities do in the marathon (beating Oprah's time is a goal for many) but it truly isn't important in the grand scheme of things.   Here is another way to look at it.  When Paul Ryan was 20, he was active, atheletic and could run a marathon in 4-hours.  The current occupant of the White House was doing lots of blow and smoking weed in his buddies car.  One was honest about it and one was not. 

Happy Running!


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