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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Heckuva Week!

I had a week with every type of run, both good and bad.  After an easy recovery run on Monday I went to the Metrodome for a planned 8 miles with 3 or 4 at MP.  Mile one was easy and by mile 2 I was already at MP.  I decided to turn it into a progressive run and by mile 8 I was under 6:30 and most of mile 9 was at 6:26.  One mile of cool-down and I called it a night.  This morning I completed my long-run and it was a beautiful run.  The sun was bright and the trail along Lake Minnetonka was gorgeous.  Now, contrast that with my run on Friday.  I wanted to make it a GA run and conditions outside were not favorable, so I reluctantly moved indoors to the treadmill.  Now the run itself was not too bad, but this run made it clearly obvious why I hate running indoors.  The gym was really warm and stuffy, more so than normal.  As I was running gentlemen in his mid-20's chose the treadmill next to me.  He was built like Newt Gingrich and was wearing Vibrams.  For those of you not familiar with the name, they are the "toe shoes."  So anyway, Newt fires up the treadmill and is walking for a few minutes.  I thought to myself, okay, walking is okay, but running could be a problem.  The treadmill gets faster and before you know it, Newt is in full-stride; holy crap, I thought he as going to break the treadmill.  I've never heard such pounding from a foot-strike in my life.  The treadmill was rocking back and forth and he continued to stomp away.  This went on for about 15 minutes, so I'm guessing he ran about a mile and a half.  He shut her down, put on some fingerless gloves (irony) and went over to the punching bag and took some more aggression out on that.  I guess beating up on the poor treadmill wasn't enough!

So, the totals for the week were about 64 miles, with a couple of good tempo runs and general aerobic jaunts.  The body feels pretty good, as I found some power yoga to do before and after running which really helped with the soreness.

Happy running!

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