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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thats the first time I've been accused of being chatty!

Week #3 is complete and I have to say it was one of the best running weeks I've had in a long time.  Something very positive is happening and its kind of sneaking up on me.  There have been some physical changes for sure, but there have been some mental and psychological changes of more significance.  For example, I completed a run earlier in the week with one our marathon clinic members and after the run she said to me, "it was a really good run, but I'm not use to running with someone as chatty as you!"  For those of you who know me, this is probably the only time in my life that I've been accused of that!    I don't know if it's the clinics, working at the running store, the new job after 23 years, the new training focus, the conscious effort to improve my diet or a combination of all these things, but I am bordering on, dare I say, giddy.  Keep in mind, that my version of giddy is probably a far cry from most people's definition, but it's still feels like giddiness in my cynical and sarcastic brain.  You probably won't see my skipping through a field of daffodils anytime soon, but maybe in my head I will be.

The physical changes have been significant as well, if not as meaningful.  I have a resting heart rate of 39 bpm and my blood pressure has measured as low as 114/76.  My post run morning  weight is around 154, so I need to step up the calories to avoid turning into Skeletor.  I set a weekly mileage record of 82.6 miles this week and this is only week 3.  I was sure I could break 90 miles this cycle and now I'm flirting with the idea of 100+.  I've been listening to my now 50-year old body, and have not noticed any signs of any particular part breaking down, but I realize that I need to be careful.  The many long and slow miles are really agreeing with me.  I've also managed to get some decent conditioning in as well, which is uber important.  My super strong daughter should be very proud of me; I can now do 35 v-ups!  It was about a year ago she showed me how to do them and I could only manage one!

I enjoyed a nice Father's Day so far.  I went for a run (duh!) and had a nice breakfast of pancakes, sausage and fresh fruit.  Yes, I know that the pancakes contained some refined sugar, but the syrup was all natural.  A much lower glycemic index then Aunt Jemimah's!  I also got a assortment of Zico Coconut Water, which I am anxious to try after my long runs.

My play list was too long this week, so I'll just mention two songs that I enjoyed the most during my long run.  I was feeling a little folksy today, along with my giddiness.

Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! We seem to be riding along similar lines right now, though I'll never want to talk to anyone on a run. :) Everything sounds like it's working perfectly, very cool about the mileage plan as well. Looking forward to seeing how you progress.

    And I've been loving the Zico after my runs, it really is a great thirst quencher.

    I still think you should click into the description and change it when you post your blog posts on Facebook so it's more specific to the post (aka interesting). Even if you just put your first sentence "Week #3 is complete and I have to say it was one of the best running weeks I've had in a long time." That'd get way more clicks than "I'm turning 50 this year and this year may be my last chance to break 3-hours in the marathon. This is my journal as I start my training for a sub-3 attempt in fall of 2011."
