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Sunday, June 12, 2011

It's turtle season!

Yes, I've seen many many turtles on my morning runs this week.  What a perfect metaphor for my running plan.  I logged lots of miles and ran the majority of them very slow.  The good thing is that I really enjoyed my running this week and had lots of the gas in the tank for my Sunday run, which was 20 miles with 8 of those at 6:52 pace or better.  Certainly not turtle-pace, but it was my turtle mentality during the week that made that run possible.   It was another big week mileage-wise finishing up with just over 78 miles.The 20-miles was not exactly planned.  I was going to run 3 easy, then 8 at marathon pace, then finish up with an easy 5 or 6 with one of my marathon clinic participants.  When I got back to the running store I was informed that said participant wanted to do 8 to 10, so they could break 30 miles for the week.  I promised 8, was wishy-washy on 9 and ruled out 10  Anyway, we made it just shy of 9 and everyone was happy; even saw a few turtles along the way. 

Yes, I started teaching my marathon clinic this week.  I have 3 people signed up and it looks like all three are in the same range, so that should make it  easier.  They are eager and first-timers, so I'm looking forward to getting them across the finish line happy and healthy.

For those of you who care about my music playlists (I know you're out there) today's temp run was laced with plenty of Smashing Pumkins and Nirvana.  For the more subdued portions of my running I really enjoyed some Cloud Cult.
Happy Running!

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