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Friday, April 22, 2011

"Well then, don't do that!"

I'm thinking about visiting the doctor about my Achilles.  It's been achy and creaky for too long now.  The trick is to find the right doctor.  Too many times I've been to the doctor about various running aches and pains and it turns out to be like the old Hee Haw skit.  For those of you not old enough or too cultured to have watched Hee Haw, the skit went something like this:
Hillbilly enters the doctors office:  "Say Doc, it's hurts when I do this." (Bending his elbow)
Doctor replies (yelling):  "Well, then don't do that!"  Then proceeds to hit hillbilly over the head with a rubber chicken.  I think the doc was played by Archie Campbell.
I've found some doctors who get it, but others just think I'm an idiot.  "You run how many miles per week?  Well, DON'T DO THAT!"  No rubber chicken yet.
For the most part I'm pretty pain free and have been for most of my life.  I ignore the people who tell me that I'm ruining my knees and that I won't be able to walk when I'm 60.  I'm not buying it.  I see too many older runners at races, who seem to be quite ambulatory.  I'm a huge believer in the theory that you just need to keep moving; once you slow down is when things start to breakdown.So, I'll keep running for as long as I can, and risk the rubber chicken.
Happy Running! 

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