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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Week 5 - Lesson Learned

Week 5 was a big week.  I knew it was a big week, so why was I so careless?  I can make lots of excuses, crazy work schedule, tropical weather, but the bottom line was that I sloughed off on my diet, probably didn't sleep as much as I should have and I carelessly added too many junk miles.  I've preached to myself and my clinic students to protect the Sunday long run; don't to anything to jeopardize that quality run.  So what do I do?  I run 13 hard miles in the tropical conditions Friday morning, Friday night I pigged out on a huge bowl of ice cream smothered in chocolate syrup, I then ran 11 miles Saturday morning (5+ miles more than I should have) and I ate a double Quarter Pounder Combo Meal Super Sized for lunch! (With a giant Coke)  I tried to redeem myself; for dinner I ate baked Salmon, oven roasted potatoes and a Nectarine-Pepper-Cilantro Salad, but the damage had already been done.  This morning's so-called Crown Jewel was more Crown Cubic Zirconia!  I visualized doing my 4 warm-up miles, then rattling off 10 successive sub 6:52 miles coasting in with 4 more cool-down miles.  This was my first real fitness test and I should have been able to finish the work-out with ease.  It started out fine, but I really had trouble finding my marathon-pace gear.  I managed to get under a 6:59 pace, but it wasn't comfortable and it certainly wasn't going to last for 10-miles.  I consumed a caffeine-laced gel, which provided some assistance as miles 5 thought 8 were at or below my goal pace.  Suddenly my stomach started to act up, so I stopped for a water and bathroom break.  I got back on the trail and resumed my marathon pace, but it felt clumsy and everything about it was labored.  I did make it to 10 miles, and ran the last 4 at a decent pace, but my 10 miles of planned 6:52 we closer to 6:59 and a very ugly 6:59.  So, lesson learned!  I have a recovery week coming up, so I plan on using it to get back on track with plenty of rest, easy miles and a diet that will include NO McDonald's.

Outside of my questionable dietary habits and a mediocre Sunday run, I did have some "moments" out on the trails this week.  I often rate my running week by how many of these "moments" I experience.  Epiphany is too strong of a word, but there are these little windows of time, about 5 or 10 minutes long where everything comes together.  Your running seems fluid, your mind is perfectly clear and usually the song playing on your MP3 player sounds like the greatest and most profound song you have every heard.  Call it a "runners high" call it whatever you want, but just keep them coming!  This weeks biggest moment came when I was listening to one of my son's favorite artists, Elliot Smith.  My son aspires to be the next Elliot Smith (sans the tragic early death) so I thought I would get to know Mr. Smith a little better.  Here is the song that was playing for this week's "moment!"

Happy Running and Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Birthday, Kristen!  I love you!

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