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Sunday, March 15, 2015

My Day as a Non-Runner

Okay, most of us runners spend a good part of our week-end, well, running.  Probably a race on Saturday, followed by the "long-run" on Sunday.  Now it's just not the time running, but there is the prep for the run (yes for me there is quite a ritual) getting to the event, post event cool down and eating, socializing, stretching yadda, yadda, yadda.  Then depending on how hard you ran there is the post race nap, and the constant need to eat.  Needless to say, this doesn't leave lots of time for other things.

Now I must confess, I am an everyday runner.  I don't keep track of my streak, but I rarely take a week-end day off, and every couple of months I will miss a weekday.

Today was a rare Sunday that I did not run.  What does a runner, whose Sunday is usually taken up with running and all the post running side effects, do on this rare day off?  Well let me tell you.  First, I slept in until 8:00, which means I slept for over 10.5 hours.  The need to sleep that much is a sure sign that you need a day off.  After a quick breakfast, I started on my "project," paint the master bedroom; that was it.  Okay, I have a lot of unused energy from not running, so this painting project turns into my own version of some home make-over show!  The room was painted in no time, main color and an accent wall and then I completely empty the room and clean, organize and rearrange the entire thing! Almost 10 hours into it and things are coming together. I have to admit, the room was transformed from drab and dingy into something pretty special.

I'll be back at it next week, but I have to admit it was nice to act like a non-runner, at least for a day!

Happy Running!

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