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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Century Mark!

Well, my body made it through a 100 mile week!  There was a point at the half way point of today's 24 miler where I thought it wasn't going to happen.  However from miles 10 to 24 I just kept focusing on foot turnover and I was able to lock in on an 8 minute pace and not falter.  Pretty good endurance test for me to do 24 miles after back to back to back to back to back days of running 12 plus miles per day!  I get to cut back a bit this week and rest up some for Saturday's New Prague Half Marathon.  I'm going to aim for 1:23:59 and see where I end up.  The weather is always a wild card, running out in the open, the wind can be kind of nasty.  It's a good course with some gentle rolling hills and a relatively small crowd.  It's PR time!  After that its another big mileage week, followed by the Mississippi 10 miler, the Brian Kraft 5k then we can start thinking about taper.

As I mentioned earlier, the old body is holding up pretty well.  I don't think I could handle too many more of these super high mileage weeks, but the base is there and I can now focus on some speed, racing and general fine tuning.  The cycle has gone well and I am really looking forward to Grandma's Marathon.

Happy Running!

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