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Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Official...

I was pretty fired up over my performance in the New Prague Half-Marathon last week-end, so fired up I signed myself up for the Des Moines Marathon on October 21.  It is official, as I have plunked down my entry fee, made hotel reservations and pre-paid for the pre-race pasta feed.  I am, as the kids say these days, "all in."  Well at least, I think that's what the kids are sayin'!  Also,  I have recruited a roomie and running cohort for the week-end, sparing my wife a week-end excursion to Des Moines.  Looking forward to this, Kurt!    Why Des Moines?  Well, outside of a smallish hill from miles 4 to 6, it is mostly flat and/or downhill.  It is late October, so the weather should be moderate AND it is inexpensive.  I am super excited about this sub-3 attempt and looking forward to officially starting my training in early June.

I am glad that I didn't sign up for the Green Bay Marathon, which was held (partially) today.  It was 68 to 70 at the start (warm, but not dangerous) and they stopped the race at 9:25 with the temps in the mid 70's.  Seems like they pulled the plug too early, but there were reports that the medical tents were getting overwhelmed.  Really?  You are a little over two hours into a run in the low to mid 70's and you need medical attention?  Humidity must have been higher than reported on Weather Underground.

A non-eventful running week for me.  I'm in maintenance mode for the time being, but I do plan on racing the Brian Kraft 5K on Memorial Day.  A flat, fast course and I will attempt a sub 18:30.

Happy Running!

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