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Monday, July 20, 2015

Break in the Action

After last week's drop in mileage, my plan was to really step it up this week.  Stepping up as back to 90 miles.  But, my mid-week business trip to Miami threw me for a loop and was unable to run more than 75 miles for the week.  Other things conspired to keep me from having a good week.  First, it really took me a ing time to recover from Sunday's long run in the heat, humidity and jungle-like dew points.  I did my recovery runs Monday and I felt awful.  Tuesday was a travel day, so I could only run a few miles in the morning before my 9:30 flight.  I planned on running again once I arrived, but flight delays and major traffic jams meant not getting checked in until close to 7.  I know, I am a dedicated runner, but I was tired, crabby, hungry and it was 95 with a heat index of 103.  Screw it, I will make it up tomorrow.  Well tomorrow brought more of the same, so I was forced to run on the treadmill, which I can only stand for so long.  Thursday's flight was also delayed and I didn't get back until after midnight.  One question:  How do people do it?  Travel around the country for a living?  It is the worst and I am so thankful I don't do it a lot.

I caught up with some mileage over the week end with my annual camping/trail running extravaganza!  I got to my first campsite on Friday night and soon realized that I forgot the rain fly for the tent.  No problem, there was not a cloud in the sky and I could make my own rain fly with a tarp and some string.  Unfortunately, my homemade fly was no match for the tornadic activity that hit that night!  The rain started pouring in the tent about 3 am, so I grabbed the dog and all our stuff and ran to the car as fast as possible.  Lovely, I was stuck in a car on a super humid night with a wet dog and dirty laundry.  Needless to say I didn't get much sleep and didn't feel like running that morning.  So, I made a detour home to dry out the tent and pick up the rain fly for the next adventure.  Spent the next few days at Sibley State Park, which is a beautiful spot.  Ran 2 or 3 times per day, and hit every trail in the park, including the trek to the top of Mt Tom.  That run alone made up for the rest of the week.  It was great weather and a great spot.

Still, I only managed 75 miles, which was well short of my goal of 90 plus.  I need to hop back on the mileage train this week and get back on track.  Also, have a bit of racing to do.  The Torchlight 5k is next on the docket.  I honestly have no idea how fast I can run this thing.  I have had had two weeks with virtually no quality, but maybe the fresh legs will pay off.

Happy Running!

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