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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chasing Five Minutes

Every year I say it and 2014 is no exception. Post Twin Cities Marathon, after a little break, I get the urge to train for the mile. I mean really train, weight training, hours at the track and lots of painful speed. I have an A, B and C goal. Goal A is a biggie; run a sub five minute mile! Sounds like it will hurt; alot! Goal B is sub 5:10, which sounds only slightly less painful. Goal C is a PR of 5:16, which I managed last summer on the track with no specific mile training.

So, when is the race and how do I get there?  My goal race would be Meet of the Miles at the U of M Fieldhouse in January.  I run it every year and my fastest time was 5:23, so obviously I have my work cut out for me.  The worst part of racing at the Fieldhouse is all the dry, dusty air.  By the end of the race, your lungs are raw, followed by a 30 minute coughing jag.  They supply a load of cough drops, but the dusty air is too much.  I digress.  I have 10 or 11 weeks to prepare.  I have been reviewing some on-line plans and most of them seem way too light in the miles.  I realize this is a only a mile, but maintaining my well earned endurance is important to me.  The rough outline for the plan will be something like this; 40 to 60 miles per week, strength training 3 times per week, running drills twice per week, 200 to 800 meter intervals at 1 mile/5k pace twice per week and lots and lots of hills.  Honestly, I really think this will be more difficult than an 18-week marathon plan.

I've penciled it all out and here is what a typical week will look like:

  • Monday - 4 to 6 easy with 30 minutes strength training
  • Tuesday - 6 to 8 miles with 8 x 200 meters in 38 seconds
  • Wednesday - 6 to 8 miles with 30 minutes strength training
  • Thursday - 4 to 6 miles including running drills
  • Friday - 6 to 8 miles with hills and hill sprints
  • Saturday - 4 to 6 miles with 4 x 800 meters in 2:50
  • Sunday - long run of 8 to 12 miles with hills
I have already started.  Yesterday, after a brief warm-up, I did 20 minutes of strength training.  Push ups, pull ups, Roman Chair, leg press, upper body free weight, planks and leg lifts. Than I finished up on the treadmill, running at a 9% grade for 4 minutes twice. Today I hit the track and after a couple miles warm up, I ran 4 x 400 meters, all in 1:24 or below.  I ran about 2 minutes easy between sets.  My running was controlled and breathing easy.  The goal is to get these 400 meters down to a 1:15 pace in 30 days, all at a controlled, manageable pace.  
Let the pain begin! Happy Running! Rick

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck in your quest. My PR is 2 seconds slower but I have done a bit of event specific training. Look forward to your training updates.
