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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Nutrition Madness

With some time off from running, I got some spare time on my hands.  Since nutrition was on my "needs improvement" list, I spent Sunday evening at Barnes and Noble perusing some books on the subject. Excuse me, but what the hell?  Paleo, Primal, Superfoods,  Grain Brain,  Sugar Detox, Low Carb Living?   One of these books actually was so restricting that even water was "okay, in moderation."  You've got to be kidding!  Water, in moderation?  Nuts are no good, except for Macadamia nuts!  They are great.  Excuse me, but Macadamia nuts are $7.00 per pound and the lowly peanut is less than half that.

We've been hearing for some time that processed, simple carbs are bad, but whole grains are good.  Now, grains of any kind are evil.  We should be eating broccoli and MEAT 24/7.  What is a person to do about all this conflicting advice.  How is the simple vegetarian supposed to get buy if they can't eat nuts, legumes or dairy.   Really, can a person survive on vegetables only?  I know I couldn't do it, but I am not even sure if it is wise.

One of the books I read was so specific in its do's and dont's that I think he was just listing all his personal likes, so that he would never be caught in a contradiction.  Wine okay, but only red wine.  He probably hates white wine.  Nuts, but only Macadamia nuts.  (See above).   Work outs are good, but rarely should you break 65% of your max heart rate.  You can't eat beans of any kind and grains are poison.

So, I now consider my nutrition research done and have come to the conclusion that nutritionists are crazy or snake oil salesmen or both.  Since I don't plan on living on beef and Macadamia nuts for the rest of my life, I think I will go with some common sense and follow the old-fashioned food pyramid.

Another week of easy running, getting out 5 times for a total of 30 miles.  My left hip is still a bit sore, so no sense in rushing back into things.  Also made it to the gym for a couple of easy work outs.    I have to admit I am really enjoying sleeping it, but I also know that I will be getting antsy soon enough.

Happy Running and Happy Eating!


  1. Another interesting read, Scott Jurek (7 time western states 100 mile winner) wrote "Eat and Run". Scott is a vegetarian, and the book is more of a biography, and less of a cook book.

  2. Hey Rick,

    We are very similar in age, speed and outlook -- diet, mechanics, the state of road racing, etc., and I enjoy your blog. Congratulations on the Twin Cities PR. I'll send you a PM on the RW forum to say hello.
