It is taper time. And with it comes the taper madness. Every ache and pain is readily apparent. You are running less, but feeling more tired than ever. Every sniffle is surely pneumonia. If you are not careful, you can actually convince yourself that that half marathon you ran in a few weeks ago, in a pretty speedy time, didn't really happen! Let's calm down and review the cycle and trust your training.
Reality is, I ran less miles than previous cycles. How much less? About 6 miles per week on average. Am I concerned about that? I will answer that question at about 11 am next Sunday. Other than a drop in mileage, the training cycle was about the same. The big change came in my week end runs, where I was often running back to back long runs on Saturday and Sunday,even logging back to back 20 milers. Curious to see how this pans out.
PR's were hard to come by to cycle. In fact, I had NO PR's, which is a bit troubling, but there is only one PR that counts and that is in the race next week. "A" goal is 2:50, "B" goal is a PR and Moose Mug of 2:53:58. No "C" goal.
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