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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Chasing 3 Hours: Was this Cycle Enough?

Chasing 3 Hours: Was this Cycle Enough?: It is taper time.  And with it comes the taper madness.  Every ache and pain is readily apparent.  You are running less, but feeling more ti...

Was this Cycle Enough?

It is taper time.  And with it comes the taper madness.  Every ache and pain is readily apparent.  You are running less, but feeling more tired than ever.  Every sniffle is surely pneumonia.  If you are not careful, you can actually convince yourself that that half marathon you ran in a few weeks ago, in a pretty speedy time, didn't really happen!  Let's calm down and review the cycle and trust your training.

Reality is, I ran less miles than previous cycles.  How much less?  About 6 miles per week on average.  Am I concerned about that?  I will answer that question at about 11 am next Sunday.  Other than a drop in mileage, the training cycle was about the same.  The big change came in my week end runs, where I was often running back to back long runs on Saturday and Sunday,even logging back to back 20 milers.  Curious to see how this pans out.

PR's were hard to come by to cycle.  In fact, I had NO PR's, which is a bit troubling, but there is only one PR that counts and that is in the race next week.  "A" goal is 2:50, "B" goal is a PR and Moose Mug of 2:53:58.  No "C" goal.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Chasing 3 Hours: In Need of Some Taper Magic

Chasing 3 Hours: In Need of Some Taper Magic: Another cycle is done and I am ready for the taper.  It's been an interesting cycle, especially compared to last year.  2014 was a year ...

In Need of Some Taper Magic

Another cycle is done and I am ready for the taper.  It's been an interesting cycle, especially compared to last year.  2014 was a year filled with PR's and breakthrough workouts.  2015 turned out to be more of a blue collar cycle.  Work, work, work, and not a lot visible results.  There was the back issue at the beginning of the cycle, an Achilles issue in the middle, some weird food poisoning thing in July, along with a whole host of work and personal related stress to pile on top.  Don't get me wrong, this is not a "woe is me" post, as I still feel like I am at a pretty decent fitness level, but I have just felt a bit uninspired and fatigued and required a lot of perseverance and determination to get through the last 16 weeks.   Let the taper work its magic and bring back some fire and energy.

There was some exciting news this week, as I got my official 2016 Boston Marathon registration confirmation!  This will be first spring marathon in a couple of years and my first Boston of all time! Pretty darn excited!

Happy Running!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Chasing 3 Hours: Fitness Test: C+

Chasing 3 Hours: Fitness Test: C+: Not sure what to make of this week.  It was supposed to be a major testing week after many months of long miles, early mornings and countles...

Fitness Test: C+

Not sure what to make of this week.  It was supposed to be a major testing week after many months of long miles, early mornings and countless workouts.  There were actually two tests, the first being on Labor Day, the Victory 10k.  It was a beautiful morning and this is a flat, fast course, so you would expect some PR's.  I went out relatively easy and after I was passed by a fellow AG-group competitor, I decided to open things up and try to keep up.  That strategy lasted less than a mile and finally I had to let him go.  I was able to hold pace, but fell a little short of my goal of 36:xx coming in at 37:03, two seconds faster than last year.  A solid B plus.  I ran well the rest of the week, and gave myself a mini taper for the second test, The City of Lakes Half Marathon.  No excuses today, beautiful weather and I felt rested.  Same strategy as last year, go out at 6:19 pace, drop down to 6:15 in the later miles, than put the hammer down for the last mile or two.  Unfortunately, mile 1 was 6:30 and it was not an easy 6:30.  I managed to settle into 6:19 pace in the next few miles, but I was working too hard and already sweating quite a lot.  The good new was that I ran even splits, but the disappointing and inexplicable thing is that I could not find that 6:15 and faster gear...  So, fitness test #2 was 1:23:10, 90 seconds slower than last year, so barely a C-.

So, not a big confidence booster going into the final three weeks before the Twin Cities Marathon.  Perhaps the taper will work some special magic, but I a convinced that sub 2:50 is off the table, and the Moose Mug may be in jeopardy as well.  I feel good, just not racing that well right now.

On a positive note, Boston Marathon registration opens tomorrow morning at 9:00am CST and I will be poised at my computer, with mouse in hand registering for the big, big event.  Pretty darn excited!

Happy Running!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Chasing 3 Hours: Quality over Quantity?

Chasing 3 Hours: Quality over Quantity?: After back to back 20 milers, I tried to tell myself that this week was going to be one of quality over quantity.  Really, it was just an ex...

Quality over Quantity?

After back to back 20 milers, I tried to tell myself that this week was going to be one of quality over quantity.  Really, it was just an excuse to lower my mileage and give my fatigued 54-year old bones a rest.  Turns out, I had neither quality or quantity.  Sure I managed a couple of easy runs on Monday and things felt okay, but when I attempted a 13 mile progression run early Tuesday morning, my body cried uncle.  It started off well enough, but at about mile 8, when I was about to put the hammer down and run the last 5 at sub 6:30 pace, I felt like I had suddenly and unexpectedly dropped anchor!  Seriously, I felt like I was pulling a plow and I couldn't force myself to run anything faster than an 8:30ish pace.  Weird.

I figured I needed some more rest from the weekend's mileage, so I ran easy Wednesday and Thursday, hoping to bounce back Friday.  This was better, running 11 miles total with 5x1 mile intervals on the track in 6:27 (first ones always a mulligan), 6:15, 6:12, 6:02 and 6:01.  I wrapped up the week with an easy 18 on Saturday and since I have a race on Monday, decided to fore go the usual back to back long runs.

So, 72 miles for the week was not the plan, but you have to listen to your body, especially as we are getting, ahem, older.

So, after two nights in a row of solid sleep, I hope to bounce back this week with 90 miles and solid performances at both the Victory 10K on Monday and the Jeff Winter City of Lakes Half Marathon on Sunday.  Last year I ran them in 37:05 and 1:21:32.  I would like to say I could match those performances, but I would be lying if I said I was confident.  Looking forward to them nonetheless, they are both great events!

Happy Running!